The Waggle from

We track and share stories and case studies of people around the world who are contributing to sustainability and regeneration. Regeneration is a book by Paul Hawken, a project with a newsletter, and a website. Their mission is to reverse global warming in one generation. Below is a newsletter preview and you can read the full issue here: The Waggle - Issue 57

Courtney White
Collaboration and ecological restoration are critical to solving the freshwater crisis – A diverse partnership in northern England, including a utility company, the National Trust, Natural England, and a local rewilding group, are working together to restore degraded watersheds and improve freshwater quality and quantity in the face of climate change. Activities include peat bog restoration, the establishment of tree corridors along streams, re-meandering channelized rivers, and coordination between public and private landowners. Called Cumbria River Restoration, their work has important implications for a global water crisis. Only 3 percent of all water on Earth is freshwater, and demand is projected to outstrip supplies by 40 percent by 2030. Water stress will grow as the effects of climate change become more severe. The challenge is comprehensive and will require collaborative efforts at multiple scales. In 2022, Cumbria River Restoration won the prestigious European River Prize. See the Freshwater Nexus for more information on what you can do.