Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference

Jaimie recently attended the Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference as keynote speaker and panel discussion participant. Here is some of the feedback from teachers and school leaders:

  • “It made me think and inspired me to focus more on the solutions not the problems. I can't wait to start my new journey with my Primary 2 class!”

  • “Jamie is just so amazing. Excellent presentation and very motivating.”

  • “The various insights on sustainability and the depth of the impact we have in the educational system.”

  • “Enlightening. Understanding what is teaching UNsustainability, because that is usually what we think we should do/teach/focus on.”

  • “Many interesting and valuable questions were raised during the panel session, and I learned many new things.”

  • “What resonated most with me was the webinar's holistic view of education for sustainable impact. It wasn't just about teaching environmental science or sustainability concepts - it was about cultivating learners who are empowered to be ethical leaders, systems thinkers, and passionate advocates for a more equitable and regenerative future.”

  • “Very thought provoking and inspiring”

  • “Truly exceptional group of minds, really learning a lot. Invaluable. Thank you.”

We asked participants to complete the statement “I used to think…and now I think”

  • I used to perceive education for sustainability as a separate, specialized field primarily focused on environmental studies and conservation efforts. However, my perspective has evolved to see it as an integral part of holistic education across all disciplines. Now, I believe that education for sustainability encompasses not only environmental awareness but also social equity, economic viability, and systemic thinking.

  • I thought it was only about solving the current problems and not future problems. Now I think it is imperative to develop positive aspects for sustainable development.

  • I used to think sustainability was about taking care of the planet only. Now I know that it's more about changing your way of thinking and living.

  • I used to think it was just about teaching environmental topics. Now, I see it's about integrating environmental, social, and economic aspects.

  • I used to think we had to talk about the problems created and how to try to solve them.

  • I used to think sustainability is to preserve for future generations. Now I think Sustainability is a mindset.

  • I used to think none of my actions could make an actual difference, but now my mindset is shifting.

  • I used to think that learning does not have much room to change. Now, I believe there's lots of room for change.

  • I used to think implementing sustainability in my teaching was difficult...now I think it’s so achievable...

  • I used to think that sustainability meant teaching about the problem but now I know we need to look at the global issues with a more constructive approach.

  • Now I see that if we don't think the environment is important, if I don't think my actions have consequences in the environment, if I don't consider where the things I use come from, etc. I am illiterate about environment.

  • I used to think my actions towards sustainability in education will not amount to much in the long run and now I think one small action from my side can cause ripple effects for the coming generations.

  • I used to think that we needed to teach students about the problems happening in nature... now I think that we need to teach them starting from a positive aspect of nature, so they actually realize everything that’s going on and help them develop creativity.

  • I used to think that I can’t make much of a difference in saving the planet alone. Now I think every drop fills the ocean so we can do it.

  • I used to think that it's difficult to do and apply but you light up a lot of ideas that we can use.

  • I used to think school is about training students for the job market. But now I think it goes beyond that.

  • I used to think that when we have problems, we have done something wrong but now I think that problems we have can turn into opportunities and we can overcome them.

  • I used to think sustainability education was just about recycling and conservation, but now I realize it’s about empowering individuals to make holistic, informed choices that benefit both people and the planet. It’s about fostering a mindset of interconnectedness and responsibility towards our environment.

What People Are Saying

  • You are helping write the sustainable story of being human for this generation and next!  Brava Jaimie!! - Linda Booth Sweeney

  • Dear Jaimie, I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the invaluable inspirations and generosity you have demonstrated by sharing your years of experience and excellent knowledge in the field of sustainability. Your commitment to fostering a sustainable future is truly commendable, and I am genuinely grateful for the impact you have made on my understanding of this critical subject. Your dedication to sustainability education has been a beacon of light for individuals like myself who aspire to create positive change in the world. Your ability to impart knowledge and insights with such clarity and enthusiasm has been truly inspiring. Your expertise in the field has not only broadened my horizons but has also given me the tools to approach sustainability challenges with a fresh perspective. It is my firm belief that the knowledge and experience you have shared will have a profound and lasting impact on the minds of our future generations. By instilling the principles of sustainability early on, we can empower young minds to become the custodians of our planet, fostering a collective consciousness that values and protects our natural resources. Your generosity in sharing your expertise has not only enriched my understanding but has also ignited a sense of hope within me. I am hopeful that through the dissemination of your knowledge and the inspiration you have provided, we can collectively work towards creating a more sustainable future for generations to come. Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the contributions you have made to sustainability education. The impact of your work will extend far beyond the present, shaping the minds and actions of individuals dedicated to making a positive difference. I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to learn from you and be inspired by your wisdom. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to sustainability and for being a guiding light for those who strive to make a difference. Your efforts are truly transformative, and I am privileged to have been influenced by your teachings. - Ted Wong, Three Ecologies Conference of the English Schools Foundation

  • In the InSo (Individuals and Societies) department, we're all in agreement that workshops and coaching sessions with you are really valuable. My partner teacher and I have been trying to get into the workshops since the DP Geography teacher in our department called the workshop that he did in January of 2023 his "PD of the decade...any idea or sustainability-related unit or activity you want to do, she'll have a reference point dating back to 1978 (don't know why I have that year in my head) to offer advice or resources." During the 2023-2024 academic year, when my partner teacher and I weren't able to attend the workshops yet again, our department head arranged for us to do a coaching session. We fed back that the session was helpful, enlightening, and exciting for all parties on the zoom call. We only meant to get some advice on our last unit about a sustainable snack proposal and just wanted to mention how our department goal of sustainability and systems thinking positively impacted our current unit on rebuilding following a natural disaster. We got so excited and inspired by how we could potentially revise "Rise Up" next year and get practical examples of how we can assess the Minecraft rebuilding project more concretely that we didn't go into discussing "Snack Attack." Fortunately, we observed that you are very generous with your time and care very much about individual teachers and what they want to do with their students. It really meant a lot when you emailed to reach out to us to follow up on our coaching session. - Bonnie Lui, Chinese International School

  • It was a really great experience to have you on our 2-year journey. Your class, advice, and help are making our learnings more constructive, more insightful, and deeper. Thank you. My project on mycelium is specially built on many thoughts learned from you. This project encouraged me to rethink the relationship between humans and nature. From consumption to symbiosis. - Ruike Pan, MFA Graduate, School of Visual Arts

  • Last summer (2020) I attended your workshop at OMEGA on sustainability. (I am the music teacher who kept on getting booted from Zoom!) So we had a private meeting about a month later to discuss what I missed. I wanted to let you know, the lessons I learned from you both in the workshop and in our private discussion has led to tremendous changes in the way I approach the way I teach musicianship to my private students. Thank you! It has been wonderful being able to help my students feel like they are making a larger difference especially in this age of virtual learning. - Holly Bernitt-Saks, Educator

  • EfS Standards have changed Essential Questions at SEEQS in so many wonderful, meaningful ways. This has been a missing piece for us for the last 7 years and now Essential Questions - the course that gives SEEQS its name, is starting to coalesce into the thing it always had potential to be. Thank you! For your work with SEEQS, but also for driving this work for decades. I’m so grateful to have you as an ally, supporter, and friend. - Buffy Cushman-Patz, Executive Director at SEEQS: the School for Examining Essential Questions of Sustainability

  • The difference in the engagement level of my students is noticeable now that I have designed my electricity curriculum with the help of Jaimie Cloud. My students are learning more, and even better, want to learn more. It's been a valuable use of my time. Thank you DOE CTE and Cloud Institute! - Frank Rimler, Physics Teacher at HS of Computers & Tech

  • Thank you for all your help interpreting and untangling our thoughts and ideas, for constantly navigating us back into less tumultuous waters than where we would tend to drift." - Sue Foote, Chelsea HS CTE

  • I am amazed at how teachers should educate for sustainability, not educate for unsustainability… Sustainability is not primarily a movement against unsustainability but building the capacity to thrive over time. - Student, Institute of Higher Learning

  • The webinar went great, you are not only an expert, but also a great presenter. Thank you so much for your commitment. - Dr. Marek Wosinski