Summer Curriculum Design Studio

Dates: August 5 - 9, 2024 | Virtual or On Campus - Omega 150 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Join us for The Introduction to EfS will immerse participants in systems thinking games and simulations, group discussions about economics and quality of life, and the science of sustainability. Stories and case studies will be shared, we will explore contemporary ideas in EfS and we will envision what is possible when we educate for sustainability.


Previous Events

2 Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop at Durango School

Dates: April 29-30, 2024 | Durango, Colorado

Jaimie will be leading an engaging Education for Sustainability (EfS) workshop spanning two days. These interactive sessions are carefully crafted to enhance participants' awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the fundamental concepts, content, and habits of mind that define Sustainability and Education for Sustainability.

Shanghai Climate Week

Date: April 26, 2024 | Virtual

Jaimie will be joining educators from around the world as a speaker at the Shanghai Climate Week's Online International Summit on Climate Education. Her topic is on, "Educate for a Sustainable Future: Focusing on Solutions, Not Just Problems.

Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference

Date: April 24, 2024 | Virtual

Jaimie will be delivering a keynote address at the Oxford International Curriculum Schools Conference on the topic of "Educating for Impact: Empowered Learners, Sustainable Futures." Additionally, she will be part of a panel discussion focusing on "Integrating Sustainability into Education."

Chinese International School Design Studio

Dates: April 15-23, 2024 | Hong Kong

Jaimie will be facilitating a Design Studio that was developed because teachers, administrators and project leaders need time and space to create and develop units that educate for sustainability.

During the week participants will have access to the expertise, resources and tools required to design or innovate elegant EfS curriculum units for use in your classroom or change initiatives for your school or community that contribute to EfS.


Keynote and Workshop for English School Foundation

Dates: April 8-10, 2024 | Hong Kong

For her keynote, Jaimie will cast a vision for Education for Sustainability (EfS) as the linchpin for a future where humanity prospers in balance with the Earth. She will also deliver a series of immersive workshops designed to equip participants with the mindset and skillset necessary for long-term planetary stewardship.

8-hour Education for Sustainability (EfS) Workshop

Dates: March 26-27, 2024 | Virtual

Jaimie will be facilitating an 8-hour interactive session on Education for Sustainability (EfS) spread over 2 days. The sessions aim to enhance participants' awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Sustainability and EfS.

CTE Curriculum Summit

Dates: March 14-15, 2024 | Newark, NY

Jaimie Cloud and Sharon Prince-Yearwood will be attending the CTE Curriculum Summit in Newark, New York. They will be presenting on the topic of "CTE and Academic Integration: Exemplary Curricula Through Collaboration." During the presentation they will discuss and model the work of The CTE Division of NYC Public Schools’ Academic Integration Program. This program brings together teams of Academic and CTE teachers to build interdisciplinary curriculum units that strengthen students’ ability to apply academic knowledge and skills in the context of their career pathway.

Green Schools Confrence

Dates: March 5-7, 2024 | Santa Fe, New Mexico

The Green Schools Conference (GSC) is a three-day event that gathers individuals involved in promoting and advocating for green schools. It primarily focuses on leaders in schools and school systems working towards comprehensive sustainability. The conference serves as a platform for the green schools community, offering inspiration and support for the advancement of the green schools movement.


Half Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop at Loomis Chaffe

Date: February 22, 2024 | Windsor, Connecticut

Jaimie will be taking the lead in conducting an Education for Sustainability Workshop and Professional Development opportunity. This event is open to student leaders and faculty from GEBG schools, as well as private and public area schools.


2-Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop at Principia School

Dates: February 15-16, 2024 | St Louis, Missouri

Jaimie will be facilitating a 2-Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop at Principia School. This workshop is designed to increase participants’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Education for Sustainability. 

1-Day Introduction to Sustainability

Date: January 17, 2024 | Pennsylvania

Jaimie will lead a one-day interactive introductory session that is designed to increase participants' awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Sustainability.

4-Day Curriculum Design Studio for National Park Service

Dates: October 23-26, 2023 | Virtual

Jaimie will be presenting the 4-day Design Studio which provides participants with the background knowledge needed to build a shared understanding of Education for Sustainability. The work that follows takes the broader concepts, and provides the tools and skills to place them within the context of national parks.


2-Day Intro at Durham Academy

Date: October 2-3, 2023 | Durham, North Carolina

Jaimie will be giving a 2-Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop. This workshop is designed to increase participants’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Education for Sustainability. 

4-Day Curriculum Design Studio for National Park Service

Dates: September 25-28, 2023 | Virtual

Jaimie will be presenting the 4-day Design Studio which provides participants with the background knowledge needed to build a shared understanding of Education for Sustainability. The work that follows takes the broader concepts, and provides the tools and skills to place them within the context of national parks.


Chinese International School Design Studio

Dates: September 18-22, 2023 | On-Site

Jaimie will be facilitating a Design Studio that was developed because teachers, administrators and project leaders need time and space to create and develop units that educate for sustainability.

During the week participants will have access to the expertise, resources and tools required to design or innovate elegant EfS curriculum units for use in your classroom or change initiatives for your school or community that contribute to EfS.

2-Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability

Dates: September 7-8, 2023

Jaimie will be giving a 2-Day Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop. This workshop is designed to increase participants’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Education for Sustainability. 

8-hour Online Introduction to Education for Sustainability Workshop

Date: September 5, 2023

Jaimie will be giving an 8 hour workshop on Introduction to Education for Sustainability online.


Summer Curriculum Design Studio

Dates: August 7 - 11, 2023 | Virtual or On Campus - Omega 150 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572

Join us for The Introduction to EfS will immerse participants in systems thinking games and simulations, group discussions about economics and quality of life, and the science of sustainability. Stories and case studies will be shared, we will explore contemporary ideas in EfS and we will envision what is possible when we educate for sustainability.


2 Day Intro On-Site

Dates: August 1-2, 2023 | Durango, CO

Jaimie will be giving interactive sessions over 2 days. The sessions are designed to increase participants’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Sustainability and Education for Sustainability.


2 Half Day PD Days At William Davies Middle School

Dates: July 6-7, 2023 | New Jersey

During the PD days, Jaimie will be covering the following topics:

  • Introduction to Education for Sustainability and Climate Change Education

  • Curriculum Applications/Crosswalks with Education for Sustainability (EfS) and Climate Standards

She will also be working with Faculty and Curriculum Coordinators on coaching/capacity building.

Coaching & Capacity Building

Dates: June 4 - 11, 2023

Jaimie will be working with the educators and administration of 11 schools in Qatar to review their work and coach them on the next steps. She will also be working with the EDI leadership team to help build their capacity.

Thought Leader Series

Date: May 17, 2023 | Virtual Session

During this webinar, Jaimie will share her insights on the critical role of education in making the shift toward sustain-ability. She will discuss new ways of thinking and innovative approaches to integrating sustainability education into the curriculum, as well as exemplars of student work from Pre-K-Universitythat demonstrates the power of young people and the role that schools can play in helping them find and make their unique contribution. 

Oxford Forum 2023

Date: Apr 25, 2023 | Virtual Session

Jaimie will be speaking during session 3 of Oxford’s 2023 Forum: How can content providers do more to support climate action and combat misinformation & climate fatigue? This webinar dives deep into the ways in which content providers can support climate action and combat misinformation.

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Green Schools Conference

Dates: February 27 - March 1, 2023 | Sheraton New Orleans

Jaimie is presenting with Ellen Schultz from Fairmount Water Works, and Megan and Emma from school district of Philadelphia to talk about their partnership with the district to educate about our urban watershed. 


CTE Impact on Achievement Conference

Date: January 30, 2023 | New York

Jaimie will be leading a workshop called, “Establishing Quality Expectations for all Students”. This workshop will address the following questions through interactive learning experiences: What is the effect of explicit performance criteria on student achievement? What is the rubric for quality rubrics? Do our students know how to use rubrics, checklists, exemplars etc. effectively? How can we use student work samples to create rubrics and other forms of performance criteria with our students?

Free 1-Hour EfS Webinar

Date: January 31, 2023 | Virtual Session

Jaimie is partnering with Metanoia to offer a FREE introductory seminar on Education for Sustainability (EfS). This workshop will answer the following questions:

  • What is EfS and why should I care about it?

  • How can I inspire my students to take ownership and become hopeful about creating a healthy and sustainable future?

  • How do I integrate sustainability into the existing curriculum without the need for additional class time?

Full Day PD Event At Hofstra University

Dates: January 18, 2023

Jaimie will be leading a full one-day Intro to Education for Sustainability for Teachers.


Chinese International School Design Studio

Dates: January 9-13, 2023

Jaimie will be facilitating a Design Studio that was developed because teachers, administrators and project leaders need time and space to create and develop units that educate for sustainability.

During the week participants will have access to the expertise, resources and tools required to design or innovate elegant EfS curriculum units for use in your classroom or change initiatives for your school or community that contribute to EfS.


Nordic Network Annual Conference

Dates: November 11-12 , 2022

Jaimie will be leading the Keynote and workshops in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Big Ideas within the workshops:

  • Systems thinking, System dynamics and change (interdependence), Living within natural laws and ecological principles, Inventing and affecting the future

  • Responsible Local and Global Citizenship, Healthy Commons and Sustainable Economics

Teaching and Learning Forum

Dates: October 7- 11, 2022

Jaimie will be leading numerous workshops throughout the conference. Her sessions will dive into the following questions.

Why educate for sustainability?

 Are we educating for an un-sustainable future?

Introduction to EFS At Durham Academy

Dates: August 9 and 10, 2022

Jaimie will be holding a two-day workshop for Durham Academy in August. Attendees will learn about systems thinking in DEE and sustainability,

They will be able to distinguish problems from symptoms and avoid new problems. Also, they will explore the EfS Framework: core content and habits of mind,

Summer Design Studio 2022

Dates: August 1-5, 2022.

Join us this summer either ONLINE or IN PERSON at the Omega Campus in Rhinebeck NY.

Register to access expertise, resources, and tools required to design elegant curricula for use in the classroom, protocols for professional development, or action plans designed to implement EfS change initiatives in schools and communities.

8-hour Education for Sustainability (EfS) CPD Workshop

Dates: April 1st and 2nd: over two consecutive half-days from 9am - 1pm HK time.

Foundations of Education for Sustainability (EfS) - An 8-hour CPD-accredited workshop led by Jaimie Cloud in partnership with Metanoia. It develops participants’ awareness, knowledge and enduring understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Education for Sustainability.


Dates: February 15th and 16th 2022

Jaimie will be presenting as a Keynote panelist at #2022NLS this February 15th at 9:00am EST. The session is entitled, Beyond Survival: What’s Next for Organizations. The session will explore the kind of thinking it will take to move from exploitation and depletion, to sustainability and regeneration. Learn more about the event and how you can attend virtually:

Singapore x Cloud Institute Suite of Offerings

Foundations of EfS and Design Studio
Already Held

Please email us at if you’d like to plan a Design Studio at your school!


Scholarships are also available!

Green Schools Conference

June 28-29 2021

The Green Schools Conference (GSC) is the premier education and engagement opportunity for leaders and advocates who are passionate about the future of healthy, sustainable schools throughout the country and around the world. GSC is the only event to bring together all of the players involved in making green schools a reality: the people who lead, operate, build and teach in our nation’s schools. 

The Cloud Institute is proud to be one of the founding partners of the new Center for Sustainability and Climate Education at the Dutchess County BOCES.  The Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) is a program of shared educational services provided to school districts by the New York State Legislature.  Here is a link to the broad set of events that will be offered this winter and spring at no cost to participants as a way to introduce the Center and it’s partners and offerings.  Below are descriptions of the three events at which Jaimie P. Cloud will be presenting. 


This gathering will provide participants with opportunities to learn, share successes, and network with others interested in building a more sustainable future. 

Spring Summit: Educators and Youth for a Sustainable Future 

April 14, 2021
The Dutchess BOCES Center for Sustainability and Climate Education announces its first annual Summit for School District Leaders, Educators, Facilities and Operations Staff, PTSO Members, and Students. 

Potential workshops and sessions include: 

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change: Turning Angst into Action with Harriet Shugarman Schools As A Springboard For Climate Action with Krystal Ford Biodiversity/Nature-Based Solutions 

Reversing Global Warming: Introduction to Drawdown 

The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back our Planet 

Sustainabilizing School Buildings and School Policies 

Equity in EdUcation (1).png

Please click here to watch the recording

Equity in Education: Can we educate for sustainability without educating for diversity, equity and inclusion?

Held on Dec 1st, 2020
What do Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and Educating for Sustainability (Efs) have to do with one another? Where are the “twofers”—the power standards that are rich enough to do both? What does it look like to deliver instruction that honors DEI and also prepares students to participate in, and lead with us, the shift toward a sustainable future? In this webinar, we will explore these and other questions about the intersection of EfS and DEI and discuss unit exemplars that honor both.